Saturday, December 4, 2010



Kekstje instead of ...tje


4-6 eggs
4-6 spoons of sugar and or honey
glass of goat milk
4-6 spoons berries jam
some water
bakers soda
chocolate (cacao)
vegetable oil


1. Mix and beat the eggs together with the sugar, the honey, the milk, the water, the jam, the soda and the chocolate (cacao)
2. Add flour, keep mixing and beating till you get a homogenous mixture with density of 50% PEG 8000 ... or in other words higher than the density of a mixture for pancakes.
3. Pour the mixture in a baking form covered with vegetable oil. You may also add some vegetable oil to the keks mixture itself
4. Bake preferably as slowly as possible


Friday edition

Saturday edition


Be careful with the bakers soda, it might taste bitter if you put too much. There was a Saturday edition because the Friday one was way too good ... let's see what will happen on Sunday ...

Bon Appétit!

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