Friday, November 19, 2010



In Bulgaria we eat this as nuts with brandy, whiskey and other mood-improving drinks ... 3 months ago I saw it for the first time in jars and today was the first time I cook it myself, I haven't tried the jar one so, I cannot compare ...


Cut onion
Cut garlic
Cut parsley
Cut carrots
Tomato puree
Vegetable oil
Sodium bicarbonate


1. Soak the chickpea in water containing sodium bicarbonate for 24 hours, this will shorten the cooking process and will save a lot of energy
2. Heat some vegetable oil and fry the onion, the garlic and the parsley
3. Add the chick pea and mix
4. Add water and cook
5. Spice with savory and lemon juice
6. Add the carrots
6. Before it is almoust ready add some tomato puree, mix and cook for 1-2 minutes longer



After the 24 hours soaking it took me less than 25 minutes to cook it and it tasted better than I expected. I think I found a pasta replacement, it's heathier ... I believe ... it doesn't take longer time to cook it, it tastes much better ... imagine pasta without meat or cheese it has no taste ... and last it's same price if not cheeper.

Bon Appétit !

1. A short talk with my flatmate Mauricio ... a mix of Spanish, English and mainly gesture-mimics language ... I'm too lazy to start learning Spanish seriosly

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mmmmmm it looks very apetitious! And I like the chickpea a lot, so I will try it soon :)